Sunday, May 27, 2012

Arches, Arches, Arches

Another first for Zac and I was our second national park of the trip, Arches National Park. It certainly lived up to its name and reputation.

We have really been trying to save money (especially after the money-sucking hole that is Las Vegas) which means we're not only camping, we're getting our water from a mountain spring and mostly eating meals cooked over the campstove. Dinner in Moab? Top Ramen and a growler of microbrew beer. Yes, you could say we have our priorities straight.

And foot-hiking is free, so we did a lot of that over our three days at Arches. One day we decided to hike the Devil's Garden trail at the very end of the park. I'm sure the trail is well marked, as many others follow it every day, but Zac and I inadvertently found ourselves blazing our own trail over, under, and around immense slickrock formations.

And even though I spent one night praying for a cooling wind and the next cursing that same wind because of the small sand dunes quickly forming in the tent, I have to say that Moab is a sweet town for desert adventure. I'm sure we'll be back, next time with bikes. And plenty of Top Ramen.

The Grand Canyon

For the very first time in our lives, Zac and I went to see the Grand Canyon. The grandeur can't really be captured in photos, but that didn't stop me from trying.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Having a Corona in Sedona, Arizona

Last Saturday, we made our way to Sedona, Arizona from Las Vegas, Nevada by way of the Hoover Dam.

It was only a four hour drive, but Sedona, Arizona feels a loooooong way from Las Vegas Boulevard. It's a quaint little town accessible through a canyon and surrounded by red rock hills. We spent two nights there, camping first at Dead Horse State Park and then in the Coconino National Forest. A little bit of hiking, the best barbeque baked beans this side of Haden's house, and yes, a couple of Coronas, and we were content.